Carri FLEX
Meet Carri FLEX which specialises in various payload types and operational requirements. Featuring high-tech functionalities like upper limb capabilities, dynamic task scheduling, and seamless integration with existing systems, Carri FLEX delivers unparalleled flexibility and reliability. It is the perfect choice for businesses seeking to scale operations while maintaining adaptability in changing environments.
Outside:740 X 520 X 1300
Inside:310 X 420 X 260
Limited Weight: ≤ 20kg
Speed: Up to 15 km/h
Battery life: 7-8 hr
Charging time: 1.5 hr
Unattended delivery, Warehouse management, Industry
Carri LITE
Meet Carri LITE which specializes in lightweight delivery needs. It is ideal for scenarios such as food delivery, and Grocery on-demand delivery. With its sleek design and agile navigation system, Carri LITE can seamlessly maneuver through tight spaces, delivering items with precision.
Outside:740 X 520 X 770
Inside:590 X 420 X 260
Limited Weight: ≤ 40kg
Speed: Up to 15 km/h
Battery life: 7-8 hr
Charging time: 1.5 hr
Food delivery, Groccery on-demand delivery
Carri MORE
Meet Carri MORE which specializes in highweight delivery needs. Designed to handle medium-to-large delivery package loads, it excels in environments such as warehouses, shopping malls, and industrial facilities.
Outside:740 X 520 X 890
Inside:590 X 420 X 550
Limited Weight: ≤ 60kg
Speed: Up to 15 km/h
Battery life: 7-8 hr
Charging time: 1.5 hr
Food delivery, Grocery on-demand delivery, Package delivery